Fleas on cats damages

There are over 2,000 flea species worldwide, and the most common one is the cat flea, which known as 'Ctenocephalides felis'. Therefore fleas represent a potentially lethal threat upon cats.

Fleas on cats can deal a severe harm to the cat’s skin, it is the most common cause of skin disease among cats, it’s an allergy named ‘FAD - Flea Allergy Dermatitis’. If the cat is allergic and a flea bite him, this allergy (the FAD) will make him develop an allergic reaction to the chemicals in the flea saliva, which will make the cat irritate and itchy at that specific area bite.

But even to a cat that does not suffer from FAD, the harm of the flea bites is tough. The bites of the fleas often appear in clusters or lines of two bites, and can remain itchy and inflamed for up to several weeks afterwards. In addition to that, this can lead to hair loss and injuries in the skin of the cat, as a result of frequent scratching and biting by him.

It would be a grave mistake to think of the flea as simply a nuisance. A heavy flea burden is lethal, especially to smaller or younger animals. Fleas can transmit tapeworms and bacteria that can cause serious diseases to the cat.

By sucking the blood, fleas on cats can cause 'Feline Infectious Anemia', which is a life-threatening blood parasite carried by fleas. This harm, can cause anemia, especially among kittens, which are less developed and are weaker.

Another dangerous injury of fleas on cats, is that if a cat gets infected with 'Cat Scratch Fever' or 'Bartonella Henselae' by the flea, the cat won’t get sick, but it can transmit it to the human owner.

Fleas on cats don’t get selective about its host and could inhabit an adult cat or a kitten and kill them by heavy infestation.